Tuesday, October 13, 2009

October 12

Not my best attempt at 12 on the 12th...I've got 2 busy kids who weren't home a whole lot yesterday, a missing husband, so it was just me and the little man most of the day. Anyhow...you can't plan the 12th, it's just a slice of life.

1. First mess of the day...took out tons of wipes.
2. Dora-totally obsessed right now.
3. Trips in the car today-5
4. Bed head!
5. This kid can't get enough to eat.
6. Off to soccer practice.
7. Morgan's snack before practice.
8. Burning off some energy.
9. She doesn't know how to be still.
10. Monkey see, monkey do.
11. playin'
12. Leaving tennis class. I'm terrible, but I do have fun

1 comment:

Jennifer said...

Wow.. you're doing a great job with these! That's a lot of trips in the car! And Zoe pulls her wipes out too when I'm not looking!

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