Monday, January 12, 2009

Eye to Eye

A little backtracking here. While Garrett and Morgan were on vacation all three of them had well check ups. Garrett is required to have a yearly physical to play sports, Jack went for his 15 month check up and Morgan is rarely sick and hadn't had a physical in two years. So here's a look at some numbers.
  1. Garrett
  • Height-64 1/4 inches (85%)
  • Weight-96 pounds (50%)
Ever since this appointment he's been drinking a ton of milk and eating yogurt because he really wants to be 100 pounds. Can you imagine wanting to gain four pounds? He's about 3/4 inches shorter than me and I can't tell you the last time I was a number under 100. Maybe I'll loan him 4 of my pounds :-). The doctor said that based on the height of Chris and I he will end up around 5 feet 10 inches, but based on his current growth pattern, he might be 6 feet. So it will be a little bit before he and Chris are eye to eye.

2. Morgan
  • Height- 53 5/8 inches (40%)
  • Weight-66 pounds (30%)
3. Jack
  • Height-30 1/2 inches (25%)
  • Weight-25 1/2 pounds (64%)

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