Monday, January 12, 2009

12 on the 12th

Some new projects are on the horizon and here's a look at one of them. This year I've picked a few photography goals that I want to work on and here's something I've been wanting to try: 12 on the 12th, meaning on the 12th day of every month I'm committed to taking 12 pictures that give a snapshot of our life. So today, armed with my camera by my bed I began snapping. I think I ended up with over 50 pictures and narrowed it down to 12. I didn't have the most cooperative participants to work with, in fact, they were down right hostile! I'm trying to convince the subjects that they will indeed appreciate this someday, but it seems to be falling upon deaf ears.
1. Monday is laundry day here. We opened Jack's new magnets for him to play while I folded clothes. Brilliant boy, can't you tell?
2. Homework, a staple throughout the week. Usually we have few homework wars here, but tonight Morgan left a book at school so we needed to borrow it from a friend.
3. Milk-we go through a gallon of whole milk and about 1 1/2 gallons of 1% every week.
4. Independence-Every day Jack is demonstrating a little bit more independence.
5. The "good" toys. Computers, real telephones, real cell phones, etc...these are the things that Jack really wants to play with now.
6. There are some days when I think it would be great to leave California-cheaper houses, less congestion, seasons, etc...but not today~beautiful sunny skies and 70 degrees. I just need to remember this when I pay the mortgage bill.
7. Preteen-He puts up a good front that he doesn't care how he looks, but he sure has a way with the hair dryer.
8. Carpool~Driving 2 other kids means I only drop off in the morning. It's a beautiful thing!
9. Grocery shopping. Today we went to Trader Joes. The bill was only $80 which means I probably can expect a couple more trips to the grocery store this week. Note the recyclable bags I'm using-making an effort in 2009 to be a little more green.
10. Monday morning...Why when you have all weekend do you need to finish getting your stuff together on Monday morning?
11. Static electricity.
12. Routine-Still in his pajamas after his morning nap, Jack and I don't rush through the morning, just enjoy slowly getting ready.
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