Wednesday, February 23, 2011

It All Started Here

Remember that Brady Bunch episode where Marcia got hit in the nose with a football? Of course you do, what a classic! But do you remember the subplot? Carol and Mike were redecorating their bedroom and couldn't decide on a wallpaper. In the end, they went with paint and the episode ends with Carol telling Mike that the whole rest of the house will need to be painted since each room is connected. Such pearls of wisdom from that show.

Well it all started in our bedroom too. Our bedroom furniture that was purchased two houses ago has never looked good in our room. It's a very odd shape with one long wall where all the furniture is lined up along. I even had an interior designer come over to rearrange the room and she shrugged her shoulders-apparently she was not up for the job. LOL. So it was decided last summer to update our room with pieces that fit better. That was last summer and nothing has changed. You'd think most people would have run down to their local furniture and checked that task off their list. But I'm stuck. I don't know what I want.

I do know what I don't want and that is a lot of furniture for clothing. In fact, my idea was to get all of Chris' clothes out of the bedroom.
  1. He gets up and dressed at the crack of dawn.
  2. He cannot be bothered to close the drawers-ever!
So the first step was to our closet organized and utilize the space better. Initially we called a closet company and they came out and showed us all the bells and whistles and got us pretty excited for what could be. And then they sent their price.


So another couple months go by and Chris keeps nudging me to make a decision. And my decision was to call a cabinet guy we've worked with several times before. He came up with a realistic plan, but needed to get started on it before Christmas. So a week with all of our clothes in our room

and a carpet guy out to patch the carpet
and a paint guy out to repaint and patch the walls
purging and organizing clothing
a shopping trip to IKEA to pick up baskets (which btw smell like hay :-( ) and here is what we ended up with.

Those are the smelly IKEA baskets. As you can see, they fit perfectly so I can't exactly just replace them. I just hope the smell goes away.

I'm kind of going through a chalkboard phase lately (as you'll see later). Pottery Barn sold some cute little chalkboard labels, but I needed 10 and really didn't want to spend $40.00 So I found these at Cost Plus-$16! Score!

Those drawers are where all the clothes from Chris' dresser went. They are super roomy and deep and he even had a leftover one for me.

Onto my side of the closet. That cabinet on the very left side of the picture is a hamper. It's huge and there's a second one on the other side of the closet. I don't need to do laundry for weeks. Kidding! But it probably is my favorite addition in the closet.

And a few more smelly baskets.

So there you have the closet reorganization, but like Carol Brady-it doesn't stop there.

1 comment:

Mariah said...

oh man, I so need to do this! my closet is a nightmare! but out of sight out of mind...

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