Saturday, December 27, 2008

First ER Trip

Can you believe just a couple hours after these picture were taken, we ended up taking a trip to the ER?  Two words~nursemaid's elbow.  Garrett was seen for this as well.  Pretty common.   I was picking him up and had him by the wrist and he started to cry so I immediately knew what happened.  He laid on me for about 10 minutes cradling his left arm and whimpering so off we went.  We sat in the waiting room for an hour and he just laid on me which we all know rarely happens.  We got called back to triage and he needed to be weighed and have his temperature and pulse taken and I guess with that little bit of jostling and fighting the nurse, it popped back in.  We were taken back to the room and it was like a miraculous recovery, you'd never know anything was wrong.  The doctor said about half the time they pop back in themselves and he showed me how to do it should it occur again.  I think we'll try to avoid that.


Alicia Adams said...

Wow, poor Jack! Glad it fixed itself, but sorry it happened in the first place...

Diane Zwang said...

Julie, sorry you had to make an ER visit. Glad there was no blood involved. Have a happy new year!

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