A few kicks, a little flailing, some crying, rarely tears. One or two minutes he's done and it's been forgotten. Today's episode was over a ball he kept kicking off the trampoline.
Saturday, February 28, 2009
Truly a Toddler
A few kicks, a little flailing, some crying, rarely tears. One or two minutes he's done and it's been forgotten. Today's episode was over a ball he kept kicking off the trampoline.
533 Days
Any guesses what that means? Well how about 12, 838 hours? Or what about 46,216,992 seconds? That would be the amount of time it has taken for Jack to get sick! He has not had a cold, an illness or any trips to the doctor other than well baby check ups. He has a pretty nasty cough, but no other symptoms and he's sleeping well at night. Chris and I have the exact same thing, but are about 2 days behind him. Probably something he picked up at Germboree, I mean Gymboree. If you would like to calculate the number of days you've been alive, take a look at this website.
Who Says Curly is Girly?

Brown eyes-check
Brown hair-check
Straight hair....nope! After two kids with straight hair, I didn't think curly was possible. For awhile I just assumed it was just temporary, but those curls keep getting tighter. I was going to wait until the front needed a trim before Jack's first haircut, but look how long it's getting. Maybe in another month...I don't want to cut those curls off!
Saturday, February 21, 2009
Better Late Than Never
Hurry Home Daddy
Not the best video just trying to give Chris a little Jack fix. It's been a long week.
Monday, February 16, 2009
Two Thumbs Up
Okay, on "let's just go to Costco" trip, you know the kind when you go without a list because you have made no plans for the afternoon and wind up spending $250 on things you never intended on buying....yes, you know the trip. Anyway, we did come home with a few necessities and one item that is new to me. Have you seen this before? Well I've got two , make that 3 kids, who gave this a big thumbs up. Okay, before my RDA friend Diane tells me all about the deceptive packaging...I know (;-P). There's only only 1.5 grams of fat before the milk so hopefully it will get Diane's stamp of approval. Anyway, there are five packages with frozen fruit and yogurt, just add a cup of milk and blend. Serves two. Now if you can just go to Costco and buy this one product, then you have way more control than yours truly.
Saturday, February 14, 2009
Happy Valentines Day
Thursday, February 12, 2009
12 on the 12th February

Here we are on month two of twelve on the 12th.
1. Morgan is home sick for the second day. She's had a cough for a few weeks, but has had a fever on top of it. Today she was fever-free and feeling much better.
2. She's also feeling a bit bored so we played one of our favorite card games, Blink. We each won a game (and I don't let her win). And then she found something else to do with the cards.
3. Later in the day when we were going a bit stir crazy from being stuck inside for the past two days we made a quick trek to Michaels (and Safeway). Case in point, you don't have to go to school to learn a life lesson. After we checked out, Morgan noticed that a pack of sticker letters had been left in the cart so we weren't charged. So we turned right back around, got back into line and paid for them. The motto at their school is "character counts"...it is our motto at home too.
4. Just after waking up, I had a lot of anticiption for some great pictures of Jack today, but the light was poor and we didn't go outside because it was too cold. Note the collared shirt under his pajamas. Sometimes we let him sleep in the shirt he wore the day prior just to add some extra warmth. We decided he looked like Elvis...old Elvis, that is. He's our Chunk a chunk of burning love :-).
5. End of the day, Morgan and I made at least 6 dozen sugar cookies (Nancy's recipe). I doubled the recipe which meant we seemed to be baking and frosting forever. But they are the BEST cookies...so worth it.
6. Garrett before school. But really this could be Garrett just about any time.. He is in the laptop program so technically he needs his computer to complete all assignments, but just this year he's spending time on iChat with his buddies. Thankfully no girls yet, I suppose that will be next year?
7. This kid is a snacker. We have a lock on the pantry, but he makes a beeline for it when somebody goes in there and raids the boxes. Today's choice, Life Cereal.
8. And he's just as quick when the dishwasher opens.
9. I really try to be an organized person. I mean this appears to be a well organized albeit full filing cabinet. I needed to locate a warrenty and much to my surprise I found it in five minutes. I truly expected this a big source of frustration today and it wasn't.
10. Day 3 of golf tryouts. Although a returning member, there is no guarantee especially with such a strong team. Anyway, he shot 35 today with a combined round of 71. Results will be posted tomorrow, but he shot in the middle of the pack. I think it's safe to say you can send your congratulation cards.
11. With Morgan at home, I turned the camera over to her. Just putting Jack's shoes on before we head out. Shoes, or "sus" is one of his growing vocabulary words.
12. The high today was 52 degrees. It didn't rain, but was cloudy all day.
Father Daughter Dance

Here's a few pictures from the Indian Princess Father Daughter Dance. It was at a local country club and the dads bought the daughters corsages. Don't get me started on the dress. All I can say is I'm taking volunteers for anybody who would like to go prom dress shopping. I'm sure I'll be cleaning a bathroom or scrubbing floors that day and having a much better time. Most of the girls are fifth graders and will be completing their final year this year. Chris is in line to be chief :-P
I should also mention that aside from the many fun activities this tribe does year round, they are also involved in some charitable work. They help collect food for a local food bank and they are also involved with Kiva. The girls have made 26 loans of $25 each for a total of $650 of which $377 (9 loans) have been repaid and re-loaned. So far they have zero defaults on any of the loans. It's a great organization where they really can see the difference they make in other people's lives.
I often notice that people arrive on this post by searching for "father daughter dance scrapbooking". I did scrapbook a father daughter dance and if you're interested in seeing it, you can find it here:
Father Daughter Dance 2010
Sunday, February 8, 2009
One More Today
Between the new computer (bought 12/08) and the new camcorder (bought 10/08), I'm just now reading the directions on how to upload some of the video we've taken. Anyway, here's one more video. All the events but bars were at her final meet.
Trained Monkey :-)
Anybody with a baby knows they NEVER perform on command. And it is a true novice who attempts to get new tricks on video. But I have done the impossible...gotten Jack to say a few words while the video is rolling. So I present you with..."He Speaks".
Sunday, February 1, 2009
Mass Production
Maybe it was because I was too busy to scrap much in December or maybe it was some new scrapping supplies (thanks Mom & Nana), but I really cranked out a lot of scrapbooking layouts during the month. I think the grand total was 28! Earlier in the month I went scrapping for an entire day and did eleven pages and the rest were all created after 9:00 pm~maybe that explains the bags this month :-). Anyway, I'll be changing the slide show at the top to share my latest creations.
The layout above was done using a new embroidery technique that I found on this blog. I first used a white floss and then blue in the other direction. It took A LOT of floss, but for $.35, it's a pretty cheap effect. I also used my mixing bowls to use as a template for my circles. The paper was scraps from another projects and the rub-ons were my cheap score at Big Lots. Aren't we scrappers a resourceful group? :-).
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